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Senate Passes SB VI

Senate Passes SB VI, An act amending the Undergraduate Student Government Downtown bylaws to change the department currently named, “Diversity and Inclusion” to “Inclusive Excellence.”

Dear Students,

Arizona - On September 22nd, 2023, the Seventeenth Legislature met to consider Senate Bill VI (SB VI), an act amending the bylaws to change the department currently named “Diversity and Inclusion” to “Inclusive Excellence.” The bill was passed with a vote of 13 to 0, and 1 abstain including Senators not present at Senate meetings.

USGD recognizes that other campuses have already changed this department's name, for example, the Nineteenth Legislature of Undergraduate Student Government Tempe renamed this department in the Spring semester of the academic year 2022-2023.

USGD recognizes that the ASU charter states that “ASU is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed,”

SB VI enacts the following:

  • The Department of Diversity and Inclusion shall be renamed to Department of Inclusive Excellence effective immediately.

The full bill text is available here

If you have questions or need more information, please contact USGD Director of Communications, Xavier Litman (


USGD Director of Communications, Xavier Litman


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